Friday, February 16, 2007

The King of Cages!

Charleston, WV February 15th, 2007— Mark E. Dotson announced today that his new publication, King of Cages!, is now available for purchase on

This autobiographical short story chronicles Mark’s rise from a start up business to a multi-franchise national chain spanning from coast to coast.

As a veteran of the Gulf War, Mark overcame multiple obstacles to achieving his dream of working with wildlife. He is the visionary behind the A All Animal Control franchise system, the second largest wildlife control franchise opportunity in the United States.

The book further explains how Mark now helps others achieve their dreams by starting their own wildlife management franchise.

“I am blessed to be a part of this industry and to have met so many fine people who work in it,” Mark E. Dotson explains.

Working with wildlife is a fascinating career choice. Have you always had an interest in wildlife but didn’t know where to start in this field? This book can help inspire you to pursue your own dreams.

Mark E. Dotson is a leader and pioneer in the field of Wildlife Management. Mark is the Chief Executive Officer, corporate trainer and consultant for A All Animal Control franchises.
He has traveled the country resolving wildlife problems while sharing his wisdom and knowledge with others.

The King of Cages! will inspire and motivate you to take the next step in your future as you travel through the speed bumps in life.
ISBN 0-595-42370-1
E-Book ISBN: 0-595-86706-5
Published: Feb-2007
Publisher: IUniverse
Available at and

Media Contact:
Mark E. Dotson
A All Animal Control